Annual pass

Benefits of an annual pass

Are you completely captivated by the thrill of soaring between treetops, challenging your balance, and just having a wildly fun time? Then an annual pass to Gorilla Park is definitely for you! It’s affordable and enjoyable fitness with plenty of fresh air, and the pass can be used in both parks.

Benefits of an annual pass: 

✔  If you climb more than 2 times in a year, the annual pass has already paid for itself.

✔ The pass can be used in both Svendborg and Vejle.

✔ You skip most of the instruction after your first season visit.

✔ The pass is valid for a whole year from the first visit. So, for example, from July to July.

You’ll initially start when we commence new instructions. You’ll undergo a welcome, harness fitting, and most importantly, harness check. After that, you’re set free for some fantastic hours in the treetops.

REMEMBER to reserve your time online. The deposit charged when booking will be refunded when you arrive at the park. If the urge suddenly strikes you and you just HAVE to climb into the treetops – well then, you show up, and if we have available harnesses, you can of course climb.

The price for an annual pass is 850.00 DKK.

Please note: The pass is strictly personal and will be confiscated without compensation for misuse. The pass is valid from the date of issue and for 365 days thereafter.

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